Inland Printer/American Lithographer (December 1965)

Sans-serifs, especially traditional gothics, dominate the romans in advertising in this printer’s trade magazine.

Leaving the field of consumer magazines for a change, this month we take a look at a trade periodical, and perhaps to make the point more interesting, one devoted to the printing industry. Examining 60 full-page ads, we find that, unlike the consumer magazines, the sans-serif types completely dominate the romans. For text composition, 24 ads were set in eight different roman types, while 33 ads utilized seven sans-serif faces. In the display types there was an even greater discrepancy between the two styles, as but 10 romans were used in 17 ads, against 16 different sans-serif faces in 39 ads.

It may be noted that, typical of the trend in sans-serif types, which has been continuing for a number of years, most of the styles used were the more traditional gothics rather than the modernized form, perhaps best represented by the Futura type pattern. Surprising factors concerning the number of roman types used for body matter are the omission of Bodoni and the number of oldstyle types being limited to but a single style, with all of the romans being 20th Century designs.

Display Types

OldstyleGoudy Bold1
TransitionalCentury Expanded1
TransitionalCentury Nova1
TransitionalCentury Schoolbook1
TransitionalHand or Photolettering1
TransitionalTimes Roman3
ModernCraw Modern1
Sans SerifBrittanic1
Sans SerifFutura2
Sans SerifHand or Photolettering2
Sans SerifOptima2
Sans SerifTempo2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Alternate Gothic7
Sans Serif (Gothic)Franklin Gothic3
Sans Serif (Gothic)Hand or Photolettering1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Headline Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Helvetica2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Inserat Grotesk1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Lightline Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)News Gothic3
Sans Serif (Gothic)Standard1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Univers4
Sans Serif (Gothic)Venus3
Square SerifClarendon3
Square SerifFortune1
Square SerifHand or Photolettering2
ScriptBank Script1
ScriptHand or Photolettering2
DecorativeHand or Photolettering1
DecorativeUltra Bodoni1

Text Types

TransitionalCentury Expanded9
TransitionalCentury Schoolbook3
TransitionalTimes Roman5
Sans SerifOptima3
Sans Serif (Gothic)Helvetica1
Sans Serif (Gothic)News Gothic18
Sans Serif (Gothic)Record Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Standard7
Sans Serif (Gothic)Univers1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Venus2

This article first appeared in the “Typographic Scoreboard” column of the March 1966 issue of The Inland Printer.


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