Fortune (June 1963)

The magazine examined this quarter is Fortune, issue of June 1963. We checked 109 full- and double-page ads for display and text types. Captions, address lines, etc., are not included.

It may be noted that the majority of the advertisements in this business periodical are conservative in design. The sans-serifs, particularly in the traditional gothic styles, completely dominate the roman types for display use, and come quite close in text composition.

If a trend may be noted, it simply is that designers are of the opinion that the top American business executives’ admire the forthright traditional gothic types. Twelve different gothics were used in 56 ads, and these apparently didn’t fill the bill, as another 15 ads contained a variety of gothic forms listed here as hand or photolettering styles.

The most frequently used type for text composition was News Gothic, for 18 ads, while Standard received the most use for display. The gothics were used in 65% of the ads for display and 39% for text.

Display Types

OldstyleAntique Condensed1
TransitionalCentury Bold1
TransitionalCentury Expanded2
TransitionalCentury Schoolbook1
TransitionalClearface Bold1
TransitionalHand or Photolettering1
TransitionalPerpetua Bold1
TransitionalTimes Roman2
ModernCraw Modern3
ModernEngraver's Roman1
Sans SerifFutura2
Sans SerifOptima4
Sans Serif (Gothic)Alternate Gothic6
Sans Serif (Gothic)Copperplate Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Eurostyle2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Franklin Gothic7
Sans Serif (Gothic)Folio2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Grotesque No. 91
Sans Serif (Gothic)Hand or Photolettering15
Sans Serif (Gothic)Lightline Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)News Gothic2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Railroad Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Standard17
Sans Serif (Gothic)Univers7
Sans Serif (Gothic)Venus9
Square SerifClarendon5
Square SerifContact1
Square SerifFortune1
Square SerifHand or Photolettering2
DecorativeCooper Black1

Text Types

OldstyleOldstyle No. 71
TransitionalCentury Bold1
TransitionalCentury Expanded15
TransitionalCentury Oldstyle1
TransitionalCentury Schoolbook7
TransitionalPerpetua Bold1
TransitionalTimes Roman12
Sans SerifOptima4
Sans Serif (Gothic)Franklin Gothic2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Hand or Photolettering1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Lightline Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)News Gothic18
Sans Serif (Gothic)Standard12
Sans Serif (Gothic)Univers3
Sans Serif (Gothic)Venus5
Square SerifKarnak1
Square SerifTypewriter1

This article first appeared in the “Typographic Scoreboard” column of the September 1963 issue of The Inland Printer.

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