Esquire (September 1964)

Display types follow no particular trend; but romans dominate in text.

In this issue of Esquire, there are 62 full-page ads, with a strong emphasis on young men’s apparel. The display types used appear to follow no particular trend. Thirteen different romans were used in 28 ads, and 10 sans-serifs were selected for 23 ads. For text composition, as could be expected, the romans dominated, with 13 faces in 34 advertisements. Relatively few (6) sans-serif designs were utilized for 20 insertions.

It may be noted that for text composition, the Century series and Times Roman still retain their popularity, being called upon for 20 ads.

The old-timer which made a rare appearance is Della Robbia, first seen in 1903 as the first type designed by the great typographer T.M. Cleland for the Bruce Type Foundry. Since Mr. Cleland is still alive, and in his 84th year, perhaps he rates a royalty check for fathering a revival.

Display Types

OldstyleCloister Old Style1
OldstyleDella Robbia1
OldstyleGoudy Bold1
OldstyleHand or Photolettering1
TransitionalCentury Bold3
TransitionalCentury Schoolbook2
TransitionalHand or Photolettering1
TransitionalNicholas Cochin1
TransitionalTimes Roman1
ModernCraw Modern4
ModernHand or Photolettering4
Sans SerifFutura2
Sans SerifFutura Display1
Sans SerifHand or Photolettering3
Sans SerifKabel1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Alternate Gothic2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Franklin Gothic3
Sans Serif (Gothic)Hand or Photolettering1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Microgramma1
Sans Serif (Gothic)News Gothic1
Sans Serif (Gothic)Standard2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Univers3
Sans Serif (Gothic)Venus3
Square SerifCraw Clarendon2
Square SerifEgyptian Bold Condensed1
Square SerifFortune1
DecorativeCooper Black2
DecorativeHand or Photolettering2

Text Types

OldstyleCloister Old Style2
OldstyleGoudy Bold1
TransitionalCentury Expanded10
TransitionalCentury Oldstyle3
TransitionalCentury Schoolbook1
TransitionalTimes Roman7
Sans SerifFutura2
Sans SerifKabel1
Sans SerifOptima1
Sans Serif (Gothic)News Gothic10
Sans Serif (Gothic)Standard2
Sans Serif (Gothic)Venus4

This article first appeared in the “Typographic Scoreboard” column of the December 1964 issue of The Inland Printer.

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